Greetings to all Forestry Crab Feed (CAL FIRE) attendees and future attendees. We want to thank you all for another sold out Crab Feed held on February 1. We hope that those of you that were able to attend enjoyed the music, dancing, auction and most importantly, the Crab Dinner. We pride ourselves on having the best REAL Crab Feed, where you get the two kinds of crab (marinated and cioppino—and plain if you would like), shrimp salad and garlic French bread. This is truly an “all you can eat” Crab Feed with no “fillers” like pasta, etc. We buy 4 lbs of Crab per person and expect to end the night with zero leftovers, which we were able to achieve.
We are a non-profit organization that counts on this sole Crab Feed for our profits to help other non-profits we support along with scholarships for our CAL FIRE members and their relatives. This year, because of the cost of crab and the lack of large numbers of crab, we ended up paying over 50% more than anticipated. That being said, because of the bleak crab outlook for next year given to us by our wholesaler supplier, we will need to significantly raise ticket prices next year. We pride ourselves on being affordable for our customers, but unfortunately, a ticket raise is inevitable with these current times.
So please bear with us and continue to support our Crab Feed. We will do everything to keep it as affordable as possible so we can continue to see our friends, year after year. Mark your calendar, next years’ feed will be on Saturday, February 7, 2026. Hope to see you all there!
Forestry Crab Feed Committee